The almond cookie machine has a good shaping effect


Some customers have been making almond cookie by hand. In recent years, there has been a greater demand for almond cookie, and manual labor cannot make them. They want to buy a machine and come to the factory to test our almond cake equipment. When they see that our equipment works very well in almond cookie machine, the processed products have good shaping, clear patterns, and excellent quality and taste. The operation is also relatively simple and convenient, saving time and effort.

This fully automatic pastry equipment is a brand new automation equipment that can not only achieve the automated production of almond cakes, but also achieve the pressing and molding processing of other powdered raw materials. The effect is very good, and the entire production process is convenient and fast, which can be completed by one person, saving time and effort. According to the different processing materials, different pressures can be customized to achieve the processing of different products. The pressure and compaction degree can be adjusted, and the thickness of the products varies. In addition, the mold of the equipment can also be customized, and the products can be diversified to achieve the processing of different specifications, which is loved by everyone.

The fully automatic almond cake equipment launched by Futong can achieve automated production of products of different specifications, with simple and convenient operation, and more labor-saving. The mold of this equipment is not only customizable, but also adopts non stick mold technology. The product is non stick, with good demolding and better quality, making it a popular block forming equipment. In addition, Futong has also launched many other devices with good quality and reasonable prices. Please feel free to leave a message for consultation.